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An unexpected challenge


Welcome to my second blog post.

I’ve decided to make this post about a commission (pictured below) that I spent much of January and February working on, as this affords me a great opportunity to share the journey of one of my paintings.

Weir Minerals Europe Limited Commission

December 2017 was a busy month for me. I had a couple of pieces exhibited in La Galleria Pall Mall (London) and in the Artsmill Gallery’s Winter Open exhibition (Hebden Bridge). But I was also gifted the opportunity of undertaking a unique challenge. I was invited to one of the Weir Minerals Europe Limited sites. From this visit I was tasked with creating an art piece inspired by the place and its work.

On my visit to the site I met the lovely team and was given a guided tour. I took photographs, asked questions and tried to take in my surroundings. As soon as I returned home I immediately got to work experimenting in my sketchbook. Teamwork and colour were the overriding themes driving the creative process. The concept of the enormousness of the team was something I wanted to suggest. This encouraged me to use a different medium to give an impression of the scale of productivity in the company. I chose to use pen to draw in figures, as well as parts of machinery, so as to achieve this effect.

A quick sketchbook experiment. This was all about showing how each employer contributes to the work of the company.

sketchbook design of my final piece

Below I’ve included a selection of pictures documenting the process. Many hours went into designing and producing this piece. My intention was to grab the attention of the viewer using colour and composition. I chose to use calico fabric in order to magnify the flame. Meanwhile, drawing other team members and their work into other aspects of the picture.

Early days: getting the base colours down and beginning to define certain areas
Adding the calico fabric to add some texture and to bring something very different to the piece
Building up the layers
And the finished product!

Although this was a challenge that was way outside my comfort zone, it has been one of the most enjoyable projects I have had to date.

If you are a fan of the piece, prints of my Weir commission are now available to buy via my online shop:

Print of the Weir commission. They are available to buy via

Thank you for reading my second instalment.



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